In addition to our dedicated reporting and original analysis, we aggregate the biggest healthcare stories from across the internet, which can lead to unusual results. Check out our list of the most intriguing Around the Web items from 2017.
Below is a list of some of the most memorable headlines from the stories we've gathered for our daily newsletter.
10. Kentucky nurse's viral selfie spiked searches about skin cancer, research says - International Business Times
9. Patient sues surgeon who took Spanish test on cellphone while operating - The Journal News
8. The intruder in the Brigham OR — how did she get there? - Boston Globe
7. Opinion: Why Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus has a world-class art gallery - Denver Post
6. Woman: Emory doctors left a camera in my body after surgery -
5. Darth Vader alive and working at a Memphis hospital - FOX 13
4. Man swallows dental bridge during knee surgery. Who should pay? -
3. Munchausen by proxy: Mom arrested after son has 323 hospital visits, 13 surgeries - WBIR
2. Hospital spends $300,000 to transplant a massive, 100-year-old sequoia to a new home - The Associated Press
1. His tattoo said ‘Do Not Resuscitate.’ Doctors wanted another opinion - The New York Times